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 David Archuleta loves fruit smoothies

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Tác giảThông điệp

Tổng số bài gửi : 2014
Age : 29
Đến từ : Hà Nội
Registration date : 24/08/2008

David Archuleta loves fruit smoothies Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: David Archuleta loves fruit smoothies   David Archuleta loves fruit smoothies Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2009 11:00 am

Trích dẫn :
For you American Idol fans and fans of David Archuleta….did you know that David loves to be healthy on the road? He does….he and band member Kendra help each other to eat healthier while on tour by making delicious whole food treats in their Vita-Mix 5200!

David loves making Almond Butter and Fruit Smoothies in his Vita-Mix machine. The Vita-Mix 5200 even has its own place on David’s tour bus! How Cool!

David and Kendra couldn’t have been any nicer and welcomed Wendy and I to their home on wheels! They invited us back stage to show us a behind the scenes look at life on the road. They are very enthusiastic about healthy eating on the road.


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David Archuleta loves fruit smoothies David-loves-vitamix-3

David Archuleta loves fruit smoothies David-loves-vitamix-4

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David Archuleta loves fruit smoothies David-loves-vitamix-6
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David Archuleta loves fruit smoothies
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