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 David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration

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5 posters
Tác giảThông điệp

Tổng số bài gửi : 2014
Age : 29
Đến từ : Hà Nội
Registration date : 24/08/2008

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration   David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 9:50 am

Trích dẫn :
So, this past weekend my family went up north to my cousins
farewell [a celebration preceding a young man's mission] up in Murray,
UT. My cousin is friends with David Archuleta, so they asked him to
sing at my cousins farewell, but he couldn’t come sing because he was
already singing at another farewell at the same time. So we went to the
farewell and went to my cousins house to eat afterwards. My cousin kept
saying that David might come over later when there weren’t very many
people around. So right as we were leaving to come home there was a
knock at the front door….it was David!!!! So my mom grabbed her camera
quickly and took some pictures of him. I was introduced to him and got
my picture taken with him. (he also put his arm around me and shook my
hand! haha.) We also told him we went to his concert. Everyone was
freaking out! It was a pretty exciting afternoon!!

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Farewell-celebration-4

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Farewell-celebration-2

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Farewell-celebration-3

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Farewell-celebration-4

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Farewell-celebration-megan-and-davi

Credit: FOD

Áo vest =p~ David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration 742690
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Great Arch Angel
Great Arch Angel

Tổng số bài gửi : 81
Age : 29
Đến từ : G4 KMZ ^^
Registration date : 12/10/2009

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration   David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 5:30 pm

Archie mặc vest trông chững chạc và đáng iu wá àh David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration 963286
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Strongly Believe in Archie
Strongly Believe in Archie

Tổng số bài gửi : 305
Age : 32
Registration date : 04/12/2009

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration   David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 6:31 pm

Lúc nào cũg cười toe toét, chỉ làm khổ ng` khác...
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Powerful Arch Angel
Powerful Arch Angel

Tổng số bài gửi : 140
Age : 29
Đến từ : Hà Nội
Registration date : 04/11/2009

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration   David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 8:29 pm

ây ghen tị với ng đc anh đến chúc mừng quá!!!!!!!!! ước gì mình đc như cô ấy!!!! David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration 894528
à việc này càng chứng tỏ anh là ng rất quan tâm và hết lòng với bạn bè!!!!! David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration 833387
bộ vest David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration 165419 !!!!!!!!
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Faithful Arch Angel
Faithful Arch Angel

Tổng số bài gửi : 271
Age : 31
Đến từ : Sì Gòn
Registration date : 27/12/2009

David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration   David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration Icon_minitimeFri Jan 01, 2010 10:16 am

archie rất biết lợi dụng thế mạnh của mình - nụ-cười-chết-người í
hix...nhẫn tâm thật... David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration 916889 David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration 704366
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David Surprises A Friend at a Farewell Celebration
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