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 Merrick Christensen thanks David

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Knorr Archuleta
Admin | I'm My Meo luv Archie
Knorr Archuleta

Tổng số bài gửi : 2691
Age : 31
Registration date : 05/06/2008

Merrick Christensen thanks David  Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Merrick Christensen thanks David    Merrick Christensen thanks David  Icon_minitimeFri Jul 02, 2010 9:48 am

From Merrick Christensens’s Blog, writer of “Angels in the Alleyway” and
“The Most Beautiful Part About this Is”:
Trích dẫn :
The Story
A few years ago I
was blessed to record two songs that I had written with David Archuleta.
The first Angels in The Alleyway was primarily written about my
struggles with the mental illness I’ve dealt with for several years. The
fear I think we all feel that we’ve lost our mind, are somehow
different, and have let everyone including ourselves and God down. The
end of the song attempts to portray the hope & salvation I know and
feel when I turn to God. His supporting me, and my realizing it.
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Merrick Christensen thanks David
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