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 [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio

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4 posters
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Strongly Believe in Archie
Strongly Believe in Archie

Tổng số bài gửi : 1425
Age : 34
Đến từ : 35 hội-TS band XD
Registration date : 25/07/2008

[Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio   [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Icon_minitimeTue Sep 30, 2008 10:14 am

Hey everyone,

I'm just checking in from the studio but if you're wondering if I've been able to do anything else this last week besides working on the album, I was able to go to the Journey with Heart and Cheap Trick concert last night!! Woo Hoo! haha. The sad thing was I missed Cheap Trick and part of Heart because I was recording :(, but at least I was doing something productive and important haha. So I'm bummed I couldn't see the first part of the show, but Heart was amazing as always. Journey was incredible too!! I was able to go backstage and meet them during the intermission after Heart's set, and I have to admit I was nervous because I felt like I was just bugging them and invading their space haha. But they were waaay nice. They have the new singer Arnel Pineda, and I can't believe how amazing he can sing. He's Filipino, and blew me out of the water! Another sad part is I didn't bring my camera since I was thinking about recording before haha, but I tried getting pictures of them performing on my iPhone. I'm a terrible photographer but oh well. I actually have some really random pictures on my iphone from tour, but I think it'd be fun to post them anyway just so you can see what I tried to take pictures of wandering around haha. But I'll think about it, since they're not exciting.

I definitley wanted to take a minute to thank everyone again for your support. I can't believe how well "Crush" is doing and I'm so happy that you all like it. Everyone has been so supportive, from the reaction to the song and video to the comments and voicemail messages I'm getting. I'm working really hard on this album and hope everyone loves it!

Well that's it for now. I'll try to post another blog soon.


Oh! P.S. haha. I just wanted to let you know about this girl on Youtube I was shown named Savannah. She sang a version of Crush that was cool and different. I seriously felt honored that she would sing it lol, and she's only 15. So you should check it out!


Được sửa bởi Katt ngày Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:08 pm; sửa lần 1.
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Tổng số bài gửi : 2127
Age : 32
Đến từ : Dreaming place
Registration date : 06/06/2008

[Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio   [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Icon_minitimeTue Sep 30, 2008 11:14 am

pà kia, sao pà type gì từa lưa vậy????

để tớ nghe shem, dù hát hay hoặc dở thì con này cũng htiệt là sướng

david thiệt là dễ thươg wá. khoe từa lưa. như thằng nhok lol
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Mya Yane
Strongly Believe in Archie
Strongly Believe in Archie
Mya Yane

Tổng số bài gửi : 910
Age : 33
Đến từ : 35 hội-TS band XD
Registration date : 24/06/2008

[Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio   [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2008 5:15 pm

e ý mới 15... mặt và giọng già hơn tuổi
hát cũng được, giọng kiểu country
david mà hát ver này thì love

by the way "I'm a terrible photographer but oh well" ---> haha
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Strongly Believe in Archie
Strongly Believe in Archie

Tổng số bài gửi : 508
Registration date : 06/06/2008

[Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio   [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Icon_minitimeSat Oct 04, 2008 10:18 pm

bản này hay chứ :D
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[Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio   [Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio Icon_minitime

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[Sept 29th 08] Outside of the studio
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